Limited Edition Trout Unlimited Tealweight Reel

Celebrate Trout Unlimited’s 65th Anniversary with the Limited Edition Tealweight Reel
For 65 years, Trout Unlimited has dedicated itself to protecting and restoring rivers, streams, and watersheds, ensuring future generations can experience the thrill of wild and native trout and salmon. To honor TU’s milestone anniversary and further their work, we present the Limited Edition Hardy TU Tealweight.

The TU Tealweight is an exclusive new addition to our legendary Lightweight Series
Crafted in Alnwick England to exacting standards, it features a stunning deep “Teal Green” anodized finish with a hand polished nickel silver line guard combined with the 1972 check mechanism. Ideally suited for 3-4wt rods, the simple, classic, and functional design offers beauty and performance paired with the iconic Hardy click check sound.

Precision Details with Signature 'Trout' Engraving and Hand-Polished Finishes
The reel is fitted with an adjustable click check, 3 screw latch cover, hand polished nickel silver single screw line guard, polished brass handle post and engraved with the TU “Trout” logo.

Interchangeable & Adjustable Click-and-Pawl Check
Introduced in 1958 and made famous in 1972, the TU Tealweight’s interchangeable check mechanism allows seamless left/right-hand wind conversion, with a tension screw for tailored 'drag’, all with Hardy’s classic sound.

Only 300 reels will be produced, each sequentially numbered. With each purchase, Hardy donates $100 to Trout Unlimited to support their vital conservation efforts.
Shop TU TealweightA river is greater than the sum of its parts.

A river ecosystem is healthiest when it is integrated and whole, with main stem, tributaries and floodplain connected, offering diverse habitat that serves a range of fish needs, from shelter to food.
In many places, however, rivers and streams have become fragmented by migration barriers that block trout from reaching stretches that might provide better shelter, food or spawning opportunities. Those in-stream obstacles and bottlenecks, such as dams and perched and undersized culverts, can hinder trout populations throughout the watershed and prevent them from thriving. Many rivers and streams have also been disconnected from their flood plains, which limits nursery areas for young fish and prevents fish from getting out of harm’s way during floods.

When a river is healthy and connected, it’s more likely that anglers will connect with fish.
It’s also more resilient to natural events, like fires and floods. That’s why reconnecting streams and improving fish passage is such an important part of TU’s conservation work. It also provides real bang for the conservation buck: A single removed barrier can deliver impressive benefits, improving fish passage for miles upstream and downstream.
Don't miss out on a piece of fly fishing history.